
» info     work     mag·zine

Jörgen [b.k.a. Josch] Schlegel's photographic work is concept-driven and illustrates functional places and everyday surrealities in a very specific interplay.
the vision behind his concept is to create a kind of visual dis- and re-assembly of the world around us in terms of pure simplicity.
Josch is also writer and fascinated by the spirit of dadaism, fluxus, the interaction between the analog and digital world and post-digital media strategies.

· architecture
· new topographics
· daily life installations
· minimalism
· abstraction
· documentation



· traces of human life vol.1
· traces of human life vol.2
· traces of human life vol.3
· traces of human life vol.4
· Kleinstadtangst! vol.1
· Westdeutscher Braunkohle­tagebau "Garzweiler" 2011-2016 (german)
· Verlassener Ort vol.1 (german)
· Verlassener Ort vol.2 (german)

all items are built on demand and will reach you with a personal dedication.
please send me a mail [see 'contact' below] for further details!


photo: 'Traces of human Life'
my photographic project 'traces of human life' started in 2013 under my then brand 'waidwund' and officially ended exactly one decade later at the end of may 2023. it gives a broad insight of my photographic language and got support by written thoughts from time to time. part of the overall concept of this project was that it ticked like a metronome and reliably presented a new piece of work every 5 days at 6:30pm CET.
a few months after the end of the project i had severe relapse symptoms and restarted posting material from my back catalog. unclear where this leads to, but the rhythm will be different, i'm thinking of 15 pictures per year. work in progress again.

photo: 'Interfoto'
already in the last months of the 'traces…' project i was thinking of something new in my photographic context – more radical, more minimal, more conceptual, random release rhythm. my kind of a more contemporary photographic outlet. the release of traces' last and interfoto's first picture happened in the same second – the fluent transition i always wished for and important part of the concept behind my creative work as a whole.

photo: Instagram
it's often about structures in my work, and so it is with my IG feed. works completely against the original intention of *insta*gram – which is the fun bit for me. since a longer period it shows changing arrangements of my photographic backcatalog. meme-like stories from time to time.

photo: VSCO
i use vsco more as a visual from time to time diary. the overall artistic level on this platform is really astounding - get a look!

text: 'Dezernat-4'
my love for writing found an outlet in my native language, and this thing still needs some time to get honed. it's a kind of writing salon based on a weird mix of 'Kottan ermittelt' fan fiction with exofictional elements. a project in eternal progress…


Copyright, Herausgeber und inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß §6 MDStV: Joergen Schlegel
Urheberrecht und andere Schutzrechte Copyright 2023, Joergen Schlegel